Mit dieser Internetseite möchte ich das Sammelgebiet „Historische Wertpapiere“ vorstellen und zwar in seinem Teilaspekt „US-amerikanische Gold- und Silberminen-Aktien“.
Damit Sie einen ersten Eindruck von diesem Teilsammelgebiet bekommen, liste ich hier die bisher bekannt gewordenen historischen Wertpapiere auf.
Einige Papiere aus dieser Liste stelle ich mit kurzer Firmengeschichte und Abbildung ausführlicher vor.
Sollten Sie eines der hier aufgeführten Wertpapiere in Ihrem Besitz haben und es verkaufen möchten, dann wenden Sie sich vertrauensvoll an mich.
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Sollten Sie eins der hier vorgestellten historischen Wertpapiere suchen, dann werde ich gerne versuchen Ihnen zu helfen: entweder habe ich das Stück selbst in meinem umfangreichen Bestand oder eventuell wüßte ich, wo ich es beschaffen kann.
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Acacia Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo, 1899-1900, shares, à 1 $
Advance Gold-Dredging Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1900, shares, à 1 $
Agua Fria Gold Mining Company, 1850, shares, à 1 £
Al-Moore Gold Mining and Milling Company, Boonville, Mo. / Colorado, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Aladdin Gold Mining Company, San Francisco, Calif., 1935, shares, à 10 cent
Alaska Gold Company, Portland, Oregon, 1889, shares, à 5 $
Alaska Gold Mines Company, Boston, Maine, 1923, shares, à 1 $
Alaska Gold Syndicate Company, Arizona, 1897, shares, à 1 $
Alaska Goldfields Corporation, Territory of Alaska, 1939, shares, à 1 $
Alaska Goldfields Ltd., London, 1899, shares, à 1£
Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Company, West Virginia, 1938, shares, à 10 $
Alaska Mexican Gold Mining, San Francisco, 1908, shares, à 5 $
Alaska Transportation and Development Company, Chicago, 1897, shares, à 1 $
Alaska Treadwell Gold Mining Company, San Francisco, 1890, shares, à 25 $
Alaska United Gold Mining, San Francisco, 1895, shares, à 5 $
Albion Gold Mining Company, Californien, 1853, shares, à 1 £
Alexander Gold Mining Company, South Dakota, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Alleghany Mining Company, Leadville, Colo., 1887, shares, à 10 $
Alta Montana Company, New York, 1879, shares, à 10 $
Alturas Gold Ltd., London, 1888, shares, à 1 £
Amalgamated Gold Mines Company, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1902, shares, à 0,001 $
Amarillo Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1896, shares, à 1 $
American and Mexican Silver Mining Company, New York, 1863, 7 % Bond, 500 $
American Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1878, shares, à 10 $
American Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company, Camden, N.J., 1881, shares, à 5 $
American Gold Bar Mining, 1906, shares, à 1 $
Amie Consolidated Mining Company, New York, 1883, shares, à 10 $
Anaconda Extension Gold Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1892, shares, à 1 $
Anaconda Gold Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1893, shares, à 5 $
Anglo-Mexican Gold Mining Company, Kansas City, 1896, shares, à 1 $
Antlers Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1900, shares, à 1 $
Apothecaries Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1896, shares, à 1 $
Arcadia Consolidated Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1898-1899, shares, à 1 $
Argentine Montezuma Investment Corporation, Denver, Colorado, 1910, shares, à 5 $
Argentum-Juniata Mining Company, Colorado Springs, 1897, shares, à 2 $
Arizona Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 1879, shares, à 100 $
Arraria Gold Mining Company, Denver (Colorado), shares, à 1 $
Asiatic Tunnel, Mining and Milling Company, Colorado, 1914, shares, à 10 $
Atlanta Hill Gold Mining and Milling Company, New York, 1883, shares, à 5 $
Atlanta Hill Gold Mining and Milling Company, New York, 1883, 6 % Bond, 100 $
Atlanta Mining Company, San Francisco, 1878, shares, à 100 $
Atlantic and Pacific Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1865, shares, à 100 $
Atlantic Gold Mining Company, Boston, 1864, shares
Atlantic Syndicate and Construction Company, Boston, 1883, shares, à 10 $
Atrato Mining Company, Portland, 1880, shares, à 100 $
Auburn Consolidated Gold Mining, Chicago (Illinois), shares, à 100 $
Auraria Gold Mining Company of Georgia, New York, 1879, shares, à 1 $
Aurora Consolidated Mining Company, New York, 1902, shares, à 1 $
Badiraguato Gold Mining and Milling, East St. Louis, shares, à 10 $
Bald Mountain Mining Company, New York, 1880, shares, à 10 $
Baltic Gold Mining Company, New York, 1864, shares, à 20 $
Bankers’ Gold Mining and Milling Company, Denver, Colorado, 1901, shares, à 1 $
Banner Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1906, shares, à 1 $
Basin Gold and Copper Mining, New York, shares, à 5 $
Bay State Diamond Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 1908, shares, à 10 $
Bear Creek Placers Company, Maine, 1902, 6 % Gold Bond, 100 $
Belcher Silver Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1888, shares, à 10 $
Ben Hur Mining and Milling Company, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1899, shares, à 1 $
Benton Gold and Silver Mining Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1876, 7 % Mortgage Bond, 1.000 $
Bertha and Edith Gold Mining Company, New York, 1878, shares, à 10 $
Bertha Gold Mining and Milling, Denver, 1901, shares, à 1 $
Big Bend Tunnel and Mining Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1888, shares, à 100 $
Big Four Consolidated Mining and Milling Company, Aspen, Colo., 1894, shares, à 1 $
Big Indian Mining Company, Goldfield, Nevada, 1909, shares, à 1 $
Big Stick Gold Mining Company, Arizona, 1908, shares, à 1 $
Bismarck Consolidated Mines Company, Deadwood, South Dakota, 1911, preferred shares, à 1 $
Black Diamond Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1893-1895, shares, à 1 $
Black Hills Gold Mining Company, Cheyenne, W. T., 1877, shares, à 100 $
Black Joe Gold Mining, Milling and Land Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1895, shares, à 1 $
Black Rock Gold Mining, Seattle (Wash.), shares, à 1 $
Black Rock Mining Company, Butte City, 1890, shares, à 1 $
Black Wonder and West End Gold Mining Company of Sherman, Boston, 1895, shares, à 1 $
Black Wonder Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs (Colo.), shares, à 1 $
Blue Diamond Gold Mines Company, Cripple Creek, Colorado, 1906, shares, à 0,001 $
Blue Jay Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1896, shares, à 1 $
Blue Mountain Gold and Silver Mining, Hot Springs (Ark.), 1888, shares, à 25 $
Blue Mountain Peak Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1863, shares, à 100 $
Bolivia Gold Exploration Company, Colorado, 1927, shares, o.N.
Bonanza Chief Gold Mining Company, New York, 1880, shares, à 1 $
Bonanza Development Company, Leadville, Colorado, 1902, shares, à 10 $
Bonanza Gold and Silver Mining Company, Leadville, Colorado, 1882, shares, à 10 $
Boston and Montana Gold Mining Company, New York, 1886, shares, à 10 $
Boston and Cripple Creek Gold Mining, Cripple Creek, Colorado, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Boulder Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Boulder-London Gold, Land and Oil Develop., Boulder, 1903, shares, à 1 $
British Guiana Gold and Transportation Company, (Maine), 1909, shares, à 5 $
Brown Silver Mining Company of Colorado, Philadelphia, 1868, shares, à 50 $
Brunswick Consolidated Gold Mining Company, California, 1890, shares, à 1 $
Brunswick Gold Mining Company, New York, 1888, shares, à 5 $
Buckhorn Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1900, shares, à 0,1 $
Buena Gold Mining, Phildelphia, shares, à 10 $
Buena Gold Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Bull Hill Gold Mining and Tunnel Company, Denver, Colo., 1899, shares, à 1 $
Bullion Gold Mining Company of North Carolina, Salisbury (N.C.), shares, à 5 $
Bullion King Silver Mining Company, Easton, Pa., 1881, shares, à 10 $
Bullychoop Gold Mining Company, Arizona, 1908, shares, à 1 $
Bunker Hill Silver Mining Company, New York, 1865, shares, à 10 $
Bushwhacker Mining Company, Aspen, Colorado, 1894, shares, à 1 $
Bye and Bye Gold and Silber Mining Company, New York, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Calera Gold Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1901, shares, à 1 $
California and Colorado Consolidated Tunnel and Mining Company, Leadville, Colorado, 1880, shares, à 10 $
California King Gold Mines Company, Yuma, Arizona, 1903, shares, à 5 $
Candle Alaska Hydraulic Gold Mining Company, Maine, 1908, shares, à 5 $
Cannon Ball Gold MIning Company, Denver, Colorado, 1901, shares, à 0, 001 $
Canterbury Mining Company, Leadville, Colorado, 1901, shares, à 10 Cent
Catalpa Mining Company, Leadville, Col. / New York, 1913, shares, à 10 $
Cataract and Wide West Gravel Mining Company, San Francisco, Cal., 1885, shares, à 100 $
Celura Mining and Milling, Denver, 1906, shares, à 1 $
Centaur Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, Calif., 1864, shares, à 100 $
Central El Dorado Gold Mining Company, Phoenix (Arizona), 1910, shares, à 1 $
Central Gold Mining Company, New York, 1864, shares, à 5 $
Central Gold Mining Company, New York, 1865, 7 % Mortgage Bond, 500 $
Champagne Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, 1895, shares, à 1 $
Chapparal Gold Mining Company, New York, 1882, shares, à 10 $
Cherokee Gold Mining Company, New York, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Chestatee Hydraulic Company, New York, 1861, shares, à 10 $
Chicago and Wyoming Gold Mining Company, Chicago, Ill., 1871, shares, à 100 $
Chicago-Brazilian Diamond Company, Maine, 1907, shares, à 100 $
Chillicothe Gold Mining and Milling Company, Chillicothe, Ohio, 1911, shares, à 1 $
Chlorination and Patents Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1902, shares, à 100 $
Christmas Wonder Mining Company, Arizona, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Chrysolite Silver Mining Company, New York, shares, à 50 $
Cie. Française and Americaine de San-Francisco, Paris / San Francisco, 1850, Action, 100 F
Cie. Française du Yukon S.A., Paris, 1899, action, 100 F
Cochiti Gold Mining Company, New Jersey, 1899, shares, à 10 $
Cody-Dyer Arizona Mining and Milling Company, Arizona, 1913, shares, à 1 $
Colorado Bar Gold Mining Company, Fremont (Nebraska), shares, à 1 $
Colorado Central Consolidated Mining Company, Georgetown, Clear Creek Colorado, 1895, shares, à 10 $
Colorado Gold Mining Company of Philadelphia, 1865, shares, à 3 $
Colorado Mine Developing Company, Leadville, Colorado, 1880, shares, à 100 $
Colorado Prince Gold Mining Company, New York, 1880, shares, 10 $
Colorado School Land Leasing and Mining Company, Boston, Mass., 1897, shares, à 1 $
Colorado Trading and Transfer Company, Denver, Colorado, 1896, shares, à 100 $
Colorado-Gilpin Gold and Radium Mining, (Colorado), 1916, shares
Colorado-Philadelphia Reduction, Colorado Springs (Colo.), shares, à 1 $
Colossus Gold Mining and Milling, Waxhaw, 1905, shares, à 5 $
Columbia and Cripple Creek Gold Mining, Colorado Springs (Colo.), 1900, shares, à 1 $
Columbia Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company, Nevada / New York, 1879, shares, à 50 $
Columbia Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, shares, à 10 $
Columbus Consolidated Gold Mining Company, Denver, 1907, à shares, à 1 $
Columbus Gold Mining Company, New York, 1880, shares, à 10 $
Columpio Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1864, shares, à 500 $
Comet Mining, Frisco, Utah, 1883, Action, 500 F
Comet Mining, Frisco, Utah, 1888, Action, 100 F
Comstock Tunnel Company, 1889, 4 % Gold Bond, 500 $
Conglomerate Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1881, shares, à 25 $
Conrad Hill Gold and Copper Company, Davidson, North Carolina, 1884, shares, à 5 $
Consolidated Gold Mining, New York, shares, à 5 $
Consolidated Imperial Mining Company, San Francisco, 1879, shares, à 100 $
Consolidated Nighthawk and Nightingale Gold Mining Company, Denver, Company, 1900, shares, à 1 $
Consolidated Silver Mining Company, New York, 1866, shares, à 100 $
Consolidated South Spring Hill Gold Mining Company, Portland, Maine, 1896, shares, à 5 $
Continental Mining Company, Colorado, 1882, shares, à 20 $
Copper King Free Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1901, shares, à 1 $
Cornucopia Silver Mining Company, Colorado, 1882, shares, à 10 $
Cortez Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1863, shares, à 500 $
Corydon Mining Company, New York City, 1866, shares, à 25 $
Cove Land and Mining Company, Detroit, Michigan, 1874, shares, à 25 $
Cracker-Jack Consolidated Gold Mines Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1903, shares, à 1 $
Creede and Cripple Creek Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1905, shares, à 1 $
Crescent Silver Company, Cincinnati, 1874, share, à 100 $
Cresson Cons. Gold Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1919, shares, à 1 $
Creswell Mining, Milling and Land Improvement Company, Denver, Colorado, 1883, shares, à 10 $
Cripple Creek and Gold Hill Tunnel, Baltimore, shares, à 5 $
Cripple Creek City Land and Mining Company, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Cripple Creek Gold and Exploration Ltd., London, 1896, shares, à 5 sh
Cripple Creek Gold Bug Mining, Denver, shares, à 1$
Cripple Creek Gold Fields Ltd., London, 1896-1898, shares, à 1 £
Cripple Creek Gold Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1894, shares, à 1 $
Cripple Creek Pioneers, London, 1896, shares, à 1 £
Cripple Creek Public Ore Sampling Company, Victor, Colorado, 1894, shares, à 5 $
Cripple Creek Sampling and Ore Company, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1901, shares, à 1 $
Cripple Creek Silver Bell Mining Company, Pueblo (Colorado), 1893, shares, à 1 $
Croesus Gold Mining and Tunnel Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1900, shares, à 1 $
Crown Mining Company, Camden, N.J., 1881, shares, à 5 $
Crystal Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1864, shares, à 100 $
Cusihuiriachic Mining Company, Cusihuiriachic, 1885, Bond, 12.321,33 $
Cuyahoga Gold Mining and Milling, Cleveland, shares, à 1 $
Cuyutlan Gold Mines Company, Maine/Mexico, 1913, shares, à 1 $
Dante Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Deadshot Gold Mining, Colorado Springs, shares, à 1 $
Deadwood-Heidelberg Mining Company, Deadwood, S.D., 1922, shares, à 25 Cents
Death Valley-Arcalvada Consolidated Mines Company, Denver, Col. / Wyoming, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Death Valley-Arcalvada Consolidated Mines Company, Denver, Colo., 1907, shares, à 1 $
Decatur Silver Mining Company, New York, 1880, shares, à 5 $
Deer Creek Gold Mining and Milling, 1901, shares, à 10 $
Deer Isle Silver Mining Company, Deer Isle (Maine), 1879, shares, à 5 $
Defender Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1895-1901, shares, à 1 $
Denver City Consolidated Silver Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Desert Queen Gold Company, Arizona, 1905, shares, à 1 $
Detroit and Deadwood Gold Mining, Detroit, shares, à 1 $
Diamond B Silver Mining and Milling Company, Denver, 1891, shares, à 1 $
Diamondfield Daisy Gold Mining, 1914, shares, à 1 $
Dona Louisa Copper and Gold Mining Company, 1906, shares, à 5 $
Dos Hermanos Mining and Milling Company, Pottsville, 1889, shares, à 10 $
Dutch Flat Gold Mining, Winnemucca, Nevada, 1908, shares, à 1 $
Dutch Guiana Gold Company, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Eagle Silver Mining Company, New York, 1881, shares, à 10 $
East Bannack Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1873, shares, à 2 $
Edgar Gold and Silver Mining Company of Louisville, Louisville, 1872, shares, à 100 $
El Salvador Silver Mines Company, 1920, shares
Eldorado Empire Mining Company, 1923, shares, à 1 $
Elkhorn Gold and Silver Mining Company, Pioneer City, Idaho, 1865, shares, à 100 $
Elkton Consolidated Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1900, shares, o.N.
Ellsworth Silver Mining Company, Boston, 1880, shares, à 25 $
Empire Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1864, 7 % Mortgage Bond, 1.000 $
Empire Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1869, shares, à 20 $
Empire Gold Mining and Milling Company, New Mexico, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Empire State Silver Mining Company, Utica, N.Y., 1867, shares, à 100 $
Empire State Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1878, shares, à 100 $
Esperanza Gold Mining and Development, San Jose, 1908, shares, à 1 $
Ethel Gold Mining Company, Wyoming, 1903, shares, à 0,05 $
European-American Tunnel Company, Denver, Colorado, 1883, shares, à 10 $
Eva Milling and Mining Company, East St. Louis, Ill., 1891, shares, à 10 $
Fairview Gold Mining and Milling Company, Washington, 1903, shares, à 1 $
Father de Smet consolidated Gold Mining Company, New York, 1880, shares, à 100 $
Favorite Gold Mining, Colorado Springs, 1900, shares, à 1 $
Favorite Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs (Colo.), 1899, shares, à 1 $
Fidelity Gold and Silver Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1881, shares, à 2 $
Figaro Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1901, shares, à 1 $
Findley Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1901-1904, shares, à 1 $
Fisherman Gold Mines Company, Denver (Colorado), 1907, shares, à 1 $
Florence-Goldfield Mining Company, South Dakota, 1908, shares, à 1 $
Fort Knox Silver Mining Company, Prospiel, 1880, shares, à 5 $
Fortuna Gold Mining Company, Nevada County, 1880, shares, à 10 $
Fortuna Gold Mining Company, New York, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Four Aces Mining Company, Nevada, 1906, shares, à 1 $
Franklin-Roby Mining and Leasing Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1899, shares, à 1 $
G.V.B. Mining Company, New York, 1891, shares, 100 $
Garfield Consolidated Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1901, shares, à 1 $
Garnett and Moseley Gold Mining Company of America, 1854, shares
German Gold and Uranium Mining Company, Delaware, 1909, shares, à 1 $
German-American Gold Mining Company, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1900, shares, à 1 $
German-American Gold Mining Company, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1901, shares, à 0,001 $
Gilpin and Cripple Creek Gold Mining, Denver (Colorado), shares, à 1 $
Gilpin and Boston Gold Mining, Boston, shares, à 100 $
Girard Gold and Silver Mining Company, Camden, N.J., 1882, shares, à 10 $
Golconda Gold Company, New York, 1866, shares, à 20 $
Golconda Gold Ledge Mining Company, Golconda, 1908, shares, à 1 $
Gold and Globe Hill Consolidated Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1903, shares, à 1 $
Gold Beam Consolidated Mining and Milling, Denver (Colorado), 1909, shares, à 1 $
Gold Bond Consolidated Mines Company, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1904, shares, à 1 $
Gold Coin Mining, Pittsburgh, 1929, shares, à 1 $
Gold Crater Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1895-1897, shares, à 5 $
Gold Creek, Nevada, Mining Company, Colorado, 1896, shares, à 1 $
Gold Dollar Consolidated Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1912, shares, à 10 cents
Gold Exploration Company, Denver, Colorado, 1897, 6 % Gold Bond, 100 $
Gold Galleon Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1903, shares, à 1 $
Gold Hammer Mines and Tunnel Company, Denver, Colorado, 1901, shares, à 1 $
Gold Hill Consolidated Mining Company, 1880, shares, à 10 $
Gold Hill Gold Mining, Denver, 1900, shares, à 1 $
Gold Mines of Cana, New York, shares
Gold Mining Company of Colorado, New York, shares, à 100 $
Gold Mountain Combination Mining Company, New York, 1865, shares, à 10 $
Gold Park Mining and Milling Company, Nevada, 1902, shares, à 1 $
Gold Placer Mining Company, New York, 1880, shares, à 25 $
Gold Placer Mining Company, New York, 1881, shares, à 0,50 $
Gold Reef Mining Company of Goldfield, Tonopah, Nevada, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Gold Run Consolidated Mining Company, Boulder, Colorado, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Gold Run Mining and Milling Company, Syracuse, N.J., 1896, shares, à 1 $
Gold Run Mining Company, Newport, Ky., 1882, shares, à 50 $
Gold Tunnel Mining, New York, 1902, shares, à 1 $
Gold Valley Placer Mining Company, Aspen, Colo., 1893, shares, à 1 $
Gold Valley Placer Mining Company, Denver (Aspen), Colorado, 1895, shares, à 1 $
Golden Cycle Mining and Reduction Company, Colorado Springs (Colo.), 1918, shares, à 1 $
Golden Cycle Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1915, shares, à 1 $
Golden Gate Gold Mining Company, San Francisco (Calif.), shares, à 100$
Golden Gate Gold, Silver and Copper Mining Company, San Francisco, Calif., 1864, shares, à 100 $
Golden Guinea Mining and Milling Company, Pueblo (Colo.), shares, à 1 $
Golden Hills Mining Company, Denver, Colo., 1905, shares, à 1 $
Golden Treasure Mining and Tunnel Company, Colorado Springs (Colo.), shares, à 1 $
Golden West Consolidated Mining and Milling Company of Arizona, St. Louis, 1890, shares, à 10 $
Golden Zone Mining and Milling Company, Allegheny, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Goldfiel United Mines Company, Denver, Colorado, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Goldfield Camp Bird Mining Company, Goldfield (Nevada), 1905, shares, à 1 $
Goldfield Deep Mines, 1921, shares, à 0,05 $
Goldfield Double Eagle Gold Mines Company, Denver, Colorado, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Goldfield Sierra Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Goldfield-Lone Star Mining Company, Colorado Springs, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Good Luck Gold Mining, Central City (Colorado), shares, à 1 $
Good Return Cons. Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1863, shares, à 300 $
Good Will Tunnel and Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1900, shares, à 1 $
Goodman Gold and Silver Mining Company, Virginia City, Nevada, 1874, shares, à 100 $
Gordon Mining Company, (Arizona), 1888, shares, à 10 $
Gouldsboro Silver Mining Company, Gouldsboro, 1880, shares, à 10 $
Governor Group Gold Mining, Philadelphia, shares, à 10 $
Grand Pacific Gold Mining Company, San Francisco, Cal., 1906, 10.000 preferred shares, à 1 $
Granville Gold Company, New York, 1879, shares, à 1 $
Great Belcher Gold Mine Company, New York, 1900, shares, à 5 $
Great Cariboo Gold Company, South Dakota, 1906-1917, shares, à 1 $
Great Cariboo Gold Company, South Dakota, 1909, 6 % Gold Production Bond, 50 $
Great Consolidated Boise River Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, Idaho, 1864, shares, à 100 $
Great Eastern Gold Mining Company of New York, 1880, shares, à 1 $
Great Northern Gold Mining Company, Chicago, 1897, shares, à 1 $
Great Republic Gold and Silver Mining Company, Virginia, 1867, 7 % Bond, 50 £
Great Western Gold Mining and Milling Company, Colorado, 1896, shares, à 1 $
Great Western Mines Exploration Company, Colorado Springs, 1910, shares, à 1 $
Green Gold-Silver Company, San Francisco, 1908, shares
Grotto Gold Mining, Manitou (Colorado), shares, à 1 $
Guanajuato Amalgamated Gold Mines Company, New York, 1905, shares, à 5 $
Guanajuato Consolidated Mining and Milling Company, West Virginia, 1906, shares, à 5 $
Guiana-Callao Gold Mining Company, Arizona, 1911, shares, à 1 $
Gum Tree Gold Mining and Milling, Idaho Springs, shares, à 1 $
Hall-Anderson Gold Mining Company, New York, 1885, shares, à 1 $
Hanson Gold Mining Company, Boston, 1882, shares, à 2, 50 $
Hayden Gold Mines Company, Wyoming, 1912, shares, o.N.
Hayden Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1899, shares, à 1 $
Hesperiads Mining, San Francisco (Calif.), shares, à 1 $
Hibernia Consolidated Mining Company, New York, 1881, shares, à 25 $
Hidden Fortune Gold Mining Company, Denver, 1905, shares, à 1 $
High Five Gold Mining Company, Denver (Colorado), shares, à 1 $
Holman Gold Mining Company, New York, 1866, shares, à 2 $
Homestake Gold Mining Company of Tuolumne, San Francisco, 1898, shares, à 1 $
Homestake Mining Company, Wallace (Idaho), 1921, shares, à 1 $
Homestake Mining Company, California, 1948, shares, à 50/100 $
Hope Gold Company, New York, 1866, shares, à 25 $
Hub Gold Mining Company, Portland, Maine, 1889, shares, à 5 $
Idaho Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1884, shares, à 5 $
Idaho Springs Consolidated Gold Mines, Pittsburgh, 1902, shares, à 1 $
Imperial Gold Mining, San Luis Obispo, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Industry Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1878, shares, à 100 $
International Gold Mines, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Iowa and Colorado Consolidated Mining Company, Glenwood, Iowa, 1883, shares, à 20 $
Iron City Gold Mining Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1882, shares, à 2 $
Isabella Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Jack Boy Mining Company, Oklahoma, 1917, shares, à 25 $
Jackhall Mining, Milling and Leasing Company, Denver, Colorado, 1897, shares, à 1 $
Joe Dandy Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1902, shares, à 1 $
Juniper Gold Mining Company, New York, 1883, shares, o.N.
Kaiser-Goldfield Mining Company, Goldfield, Nev., 1906, shares, à 1 $
Kimberlite Diamond Mining and Washing Company, Missouri, 1911, shares, à 5 $
King Edward Silver Mines, 1908, shares, à 5 $
Kittanning Gold-Silver Mining and Milling Company, Denver, Colo., 1896, shares, à 1 $
Klondike, Yukon and Copper River Company, Chicago, 1898, shares, à 10 $
Kohler Bros. Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1864, shares, à 200 $
La Crosse Gold Mining Company of Colorado, New York, 1828, shares, à 10 $
Ladessa Gold Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, shares, à 1 $
Lafayette Gold Mining, (Colorado), shares, à 1 $
Lake Superior Silver Lead Company, New York, shares, à 5 $
Last Chance Gold Mining Company of Alaska, Camden, N.J., 1898, shares, à 1 $
Le Nouveau Monde – Cie. en Commandite for Working Gold Mines in California, Paris, 1851, shares, à 25 F
Leadville and Gunnison Gold and Silver Mining, Chicago, shares, à 10 $
Lebanon Acton Silver Mining Company, Lebanon, 1880, shares, à 1 $
Ledger Gold and Silver Mining Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1882, shares, à 10 $
Lee Bonanza Gold Mining, Rhyolite (Nevada), 1906, shares, à 1 $
Lee-Jumbo Mining Company, Spokane, Wash., 1908, shares, à 1 $
Legal Tender Silver Mining Company, Missoula (Montana), shares, à 1 $
Lemhi Placer-Mining Company, Colorado Springs, 1893, shares, à 1 $
Leo Gold Mining, Denver, Colo., 1913, shares, à 1 $
Leonard Mine Extension, Arizona, 1912, shares, à 5 $
Leora V. Gold Mining, Denver, shares, à 1 $
Little Chief Mining Company, New York, 1891, shares, à 50 $
Little Corporal Gold Mining, Denver, Colorado, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Little Cut Diamond Consolidated Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, 1902, shares, à 1 $
Little Don Mining and Tunnel Company, Fremont, Colorado, 1898, shares, à 1 $
Livingstone Silver Mining, Philadelphia, 1883, shares, à 10 $
London and Cripple Creek Reduction Corporation, London, 1896, shares, à 1 £
London Venture Corporation, London, 1910, shares, à 4 sh
Lone Star Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1863, shares, à 200 $
Longfellow Gold Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1899, shares, à 1 $
Longfellow Gold Mining and Milling Company, Gardnerville, Nevada, 1911, shares, à 1 $
Madeline Silver Mining, Buena Vista, Colorado, 1882, shares, à 10 $
Majestic Gold Mining and Milling Company, Denver, Colorado, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Major Gold Mining Company of Cal., Santa Monica, Cal., 1914, shares, à 1 $
Mammoth Gold Mining Company, Deer Lodge, Montana, 1890, shares, à 2 $
Manhattan Gold Mining, San Francisco, 1905, shares, à 1 $
Manhattan Johannesburg Copper and Gold, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Manhattan Standard Gold Mining Company, 1906, shares, à 1 $
Mardis Silver Company, Chicago, Ill., 1877, shares, à 100 $
Margery Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, 1905, shares, à 1 $
Maria A. Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1902-1903, shares, à 1 $
Marion Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1897, shares, à 1 $
Mars Consolidated Gold Mining Company, Cripple Creek, Colorado, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Mary Murphy Gold Mining Company, Colorado, 1909-1912, shares, à 5 $
Maryland Gold Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1866, shares, à 10 $
Massachusetts and New Mexico Cons. Mining Company, Portland (Maine), 1882, 6 % Bond, 50 $
Massachusetts and New Mexico Cons. Mining Company, Portland (Maine), 1881-1883, shares, à 1 $
Massachusetts and New Mexico Mining, Boston, Mass., 1879, shares, à 25 $
Matoa Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, 1896-1910, shares, à 1 $
Mattabesett Silver Lead Mining, New York, shares, à 5 $
May Belle Gold Mining and Leasing Company, Cripple Creek, shares, à 1$
Mazeppa Gold Mining Company, San Francisco, Cal., 1900, shares, à 1 $
McKinley Gold Mining Company, Idaho, 1908, shares, à 1 $
McKinley-Hobart Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1897, shares, à 1 $
Mecca Gold Mining and Milling, Denver (Colo.), shares, à 1 $
Mecklenburg Gold and Copper Company, Baltimore, 1860, shares, à 5 $
Merced Gold Mining Company of Montana, Boston, Mass., 1895, shares, à 15 $
Merchants Gold Mining, St. Louis, shares, à 1 $
Merrimac Consolidated Mines Company, Denver, Colorado, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Merrimar Silver Mining, Boston, shares, à 10 $
Metal Worker Mining Company, Pueblo, Colorado, 1893, shares, à 1 $
Mettacom Silver Mining Company of Reese River, New York, 1866, share, à 100 $
Meyers Creek Gold Mining Company, Spokane, Washington, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Midway Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1900, shares, à 1 $
Miller Gold Mining Company, New York, 1881, shares, à 25 $
Mishawaka Mining Company, Leadville, Colorado, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Missouri Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1904, shares, à 1 $
Mohave Gold Mining Company of Arizona, 1903, Common Stock, à 1 $
Mokelumne and Campo Seco Canal Mining Company, Mokelumne Hill, Ca., 1858, shares, à 100 $
Montana Gold and Silver Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1866, shares, à 10 $
Montana Gold and Silver Mining Company, Camden (N.J.), 1881, shares, à 2 $
Montana Gold Mining and Milling Company, Illinois, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Monte Christo Gold and Silver Mining Company of Nevada, Philadelphia, 1868, shares, à 20 $
Montevideo Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, 1896, shares, à 1 $
Montrose Mining Company, California, 1887, shares, à 1 $
Moon-Anchor Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1898, shares, à 1 $
Moore’s Creek Boulder Gold Dredging Company, Boise, Idaho, 1920, shares, à 1$
Morgan Gold Mining and Milling Company, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1896, shares, à 10 $
Morris and Cable Silver Mining Company of Nevada, Philadelphia, 1867, shares, à 3 $
Mount Alpine Gold Company, Colorado, 1865, shares, à 5 $
Mountain King Silver Mining Company, New York, 1868, share, à 10 $
Mundo Gold Mining Company, Pueblo, Colorado, 1893, shares, à 1 $
National Gold and Silver Mining Company, Chicago, Ills., 1918, shares, à 1 $
National Gold Corporation, Washington, 1927-1930, shares, à 1 $
Native Silver Mining Company, New York, shares, à 5 $
Neptune Gold Mining Company, Minneapolis, 1889, shares, à 100 $
Nevada cons. Copper and Gold Mining and Milling Company, Maine, 1900, shares, à 5 $
Nevada Eagle Gold Mine and Milling Company, Philadelphia, 1912, shares, à 1 $
Nevada Gold Coin Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Nevada Gold Mines Company, Luning, Nevada, 1916, shares, à 1 $
Nevada New Mines Company, Reno, Nevada, 1917, shares, à 1 $
Nevada-Colorado Gold and Copper Mining Company, Denver, Colo., 1908, shares, à 1 $
New Bassick Mining Company, Denver, Colo., 1893, shares, à 5 $
New Century Gold Mining Company, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1900, shares, à 1 $
New Dominion Gold Mining, Denver (Colorado), 1907, shares, à 1 $
New England and Arizona Gold and Copper Mining Company, Arizona, 1907, shares, à 1 $
New England Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1890, shares, à 2, 50 $
New Haven Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, shares, à 1 $
New Mexico Mining Company, Washington City, 1867, shares, à 100 $
New York and British Guiana Gold Mining Company, Jersey City, 1894, shares, à 5 $
New York and Utah Prospecting and Mining Company, New York, 1867, shares, à 50 $
New York and Boston Silver Lead Company, New York, 1868, shares, à 100 $
New York and Calaveras County Gold Mining, New York, 1880, shares, à 1 $
New York-Central Gold Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1904, shares, à 1 $
New Zealand Consolidated Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1901, shares, à 1 $
Niagara Mining and Smelting Company, Salt Lake City, 1890, preferred shares, à 10 $
Niagara Mining and Smelting Company, Utah, 1895, 6 % Bond, 500 $
Nightingale Gold Inc., Colorado, 1935, shares, à 1 c
North American Gold Dredging Company, Maine, 1900, shares, à 10 $
North Banner Con. Tunnel Company, Nevada City, 1883, shares, à 10 $
North Carolina Gold Mining and Reduction Company, Philadelphia, shares, à 5 $
North Extension Atlanta Mining Company, Camden, N.J., 1881, shares, à 10 $
North Hite and Yosemite Gold Mining Company of California, New York, 1880, shares, à 2 $
North Star Gold Mining and Development Company, Washington, shares, à 1 $
Nowell Gold Mining, Portland, shares, à 100 $
O.K. Gold Mining, Spokane, 1897, shares, à 1 $
Ohio Consolidated Mining Company, New York, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Old Glory Gold Mining and Smelting Company, Boston, Mass., 1897, shares, à 1 $
Old Gold Mining Company, Denver, 1896, shares, à 1 $
Old Hickory Gold Mining Company, (Arizona), shares, à 1 $
Old Kaintuck-Goldfield Mining and Milling Company, Goldfield, Nevada, 1906, shares, à 1 $
Olive Branch Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1900, shares, à 1 $
Olympic Mining Company, Seattle, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Oneida Gold Mining and Milling Company, San Francisco, Cal., 1900, shares, à 5 $
Oregon Gold Mining Company, Louisville, Kentucky, 1887, shares, à 10 $
Oregon-Gold Hill Mining Company, Portland, Oregon, 1908-1911, shares, à 10 c
Orient Gold Placer Mining Company, North San Juan, Nevada, 1894, shares, à 100 $
Oriental Gold Mining Company, New York, 1881, shares, à 25 $
Original Bullfrog Mines Syndicate, Goldfield, Nev., 1906, shares, à 1 $
Original Keystone Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1880, shares, à 100 $
Orion Silver Mining, Philadelphia, 1880, shares, à 10 $
Oro Fino Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1865, 7 % Goldbond, 1.000 $
Orphan Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Ouray Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1902, shares, à 0,1 $
Oxford Gold Mining Company, New York, 1887, shares, à 1 $
Pacific Gold Company, St. Louis, 1889, shares, à 10 $
Pan-American Gold Mines Company, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1896, shares, à 1 $
Panther Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining, Camden (N.J.), 1881, shares, à 2,50 $
Par Value Consolidated Gold and Copper Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1904, shares, à 1 $
Paris Consolidated Mining Company, Leadville, shares, à 10 $
Parrot Silver and Copper Company, Butte, Montana, 1900, shares, à 10 $
Patagonia Silver Mining Company, New York, 1880, 25 shares, à 10 $
Patroon Gold Mining Company, Saratoga Springs, shares, à 1 $
Pearl Silver Mining Company, Philipsburg, Montana, 1888, shares, à 10 $
Peckham Hill Gold Mines, Nevada, 1935, shares, à 10 c
Penn-Idaho Gold Mining Company, Idaho, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Penn-Yan-Mining-Company, Helena, Montana, 1881, shares, à 5 $
Pennmont Gold Mining Company, Montana, 1903, shares, à 1 $
Pennsylvania and California Gold Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1868, shares, à 10 $
Pennsylvania Tonopah Gold Mining Company, Arizona, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Person Consolidated Copper and Gold Mines Company, New York, 1905, shares, à 10 $
Pharmacist Consolidated Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1899, shares, à 1 $
Pharmarist Gold Mining, 1912, shares
Philadelphia and Boston Gold and Silver Mining, Philadelphia, shares, à 100 $
Philadelphia and Arizona Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1868, shares, à 5 $
Philadelphia and Boston Gold and Silver Mining, Philadelphia, 1875, 7 % Bond, 500 $
Philadelphia and Calaveras Gold Mining Company, Philadelphia, shares, à 500 $
Philadelphia and Colorado Gold Mining, Philadelphia, shares, à 10 $
Philadelphia and Cripple Creek Cons. Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, 1897, shares, à 1 $
Philadelphia and Lander Hill Silver Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1866, shares, à 10 $
Philadelphia-Goldfields Mining Company, San Francisc, Cal., 1905, shares, à 1 $
Philadelphia-Searchlight Gold and Copper Mining Company, Arizona, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Phoebus Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1863, 25 shares, à 100 $
Phoenix Gold Mining Company, New York, 1853, shares, à 50 $
Pilgrim Gold Mining Company, Denver (Colorado), shares, à 1 $
Pinnacle Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1900, shares, à 1 $
Pizarro Extension Gold and Silver Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Pizarro Gold and Silver Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Plata Reina de Sonora Mining and Milling Company, New Orleans, La., 1890, shares, à 1 $
Plata Verde Silver Mining Company, 1880, shares, à 100 $
Plymouth Consolidated Gold Mining Company, New York, 1883, shares, à 50 $
Plymouth Silver Mining Company, New York, 1867, shares, à 20 $
Poland-American Gold Mining and Milling Company, Los Angeles, Cal., 1905, shares, à 1 $
Porcupine Gold Ridge Mines Company, Maine, 1910, shares, à 1 $
Porphyry Peak Gold Mining, Maine, 1905, shares, à 1 $
Portland Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1895-1905, shares, à 1 $
Pot Gulch Gold Mining Company, Cripple Creek, shares, à 1 $
Poto Gold Dredging Company, Maine, 1907, shares, à 5 $
Potosi-Orleans Gold Mining Company, Arizona, 1902, shares, à 1 $
Potsdam Gold Mining Company, Colorado Spring, Colo., 1894, shares, à 1 $
Pottsville and Colorado Gold and Silver Mining Company, Clear Creek County, Colorado, 1866, shares, à 10 $
Prin-Seti Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1901, shares, à 1 $
Princess of India Tunnel Company, Denver (Colorado), 1897, shares, à 1 $
Progress Gold Mining, Colorado Springs, 1901, shares, à 1 $
Prosper Gold Mining and Milling Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1902, shares, à 1 $
Providence Tuolumne Gold Mines, Kalifornien, 1950, shares, à 25 c
Pure Gold Mines Company, Arizona, 1905, shares, à 1 $
Puritan Gold and Silver Mining Company, East St. Louis, shares, à 10 $
Q.S. Gold Mining and Smelting Company, Spokane, Wash., 1906, shares, à 1 $
Quartette Extension Gold Mines Company, Arizona, 1908, shares, à 1 $
Quartz Mountain Gold Mininig Company, Chicago, Ill., 1881, shares, à 25 $
Quesnelle Hydraulic Gold Mining Company, Delaware, 1912, shares, à 5 $
Rampart City Gold Mines Company, Rampart, Alaska, 1906, shares, à 1$
Rampart Mining Company, Portland, Maine, 1902, shares, à 1$
Rand Gold Mining Company of Thunder Mountain, South Dakota, 1902, shares, à 1$
Rappahannock Gold Mining Company, New York, 1888, shares, à 1 $
Ravalli Gold Mining Company, Hamilton, Montana, 1935, shares, à 1$
Raven Hill Gold Mining Company, Colorado, 1934, shares, à 1 $
Raven Hill Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1895, shares, à 1 $
Rawhide Big Horn Mining Company, Nevada, 1908, shares, à 1 $
Rawhide Hills Mining Company, Nevada, 1900, shares, à 1 $
Rebecca Gold Mining, Colorado, 1895, shares, à 5 $
Reciprocity Mining Company, New York, 1866, shares, à 10 $
Record Mining Company, (Colorado), shares, à 10 $
Red Butte Gold Mining Company, Denver, Colo., 1905, shares, à 1 $
Red Cross Gold Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1900, shares, à 1 $
Red Elephant Mining Company, New York, 1880, shares, à 10 $
Red Mountain Railroad, Mining and Smelting Company, Arizona / Silverton, Colorado, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Red Mountain Railroad, Mining and Smelting Company, Arizona / Silverton, Colorado, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Reliance Gold and Copper Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Reliance Gold and Silver Mining Company of Colorado, New York, 1867, 7 % Gold Bond, 100 $
Reliance Gold and Silver Mining Company of Colorado, New York, 1867, shares, à 10 $
Relief Gold Mining Company, New York, 1903, shares, à 10 $
Renfrew Consolidated Gold Mining Company, Maine, 1887, shares, à 2 $
Republic Consolidated Gold Mining Company, Spokane, Washington, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Republic Iron Mask Gold Mining Company, Spokana (Wash.), shares, à 10c
Resurrection Gold Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1906, shares, à 1 $
Revenue Extension Silver Mining Company of Nevada, Philadelphia, 1866, shares, à 10 $
Rhymer Gold Mining Company, New York, 1854, shares, à 5 $
Richland Gold Mining Company, California, 1914, shares, à 1 $
Rio Grande Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Rio Grande Mining Company, Anamosa (Iowa), shares, à 100 $
Rio Plata Mining Company, Arizona, 1910, shares, à 5 $
Rising Sun Gold Mining Company, New York / California, 1880, shares, à 5 $
River Famine Gold Mining Company, New York, 1866, shares, à 5 $
Roaring Springs Land and Mining Company, Joplin, Mo., 1901, shares, à 10 $
Robinson-Victor Mines Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1904, shares, à 1 $
Rochester Lincoln Hill Gold and Silver Mining Company, Reno, Nevada, 1913, shares, à 1 $
Rock Island Gold Mining Company, Cripple Creek, Colorado, 1899, shares, à 1 $
Rockdale Gold Mining, New York, 1865, shares, à 100 $
Rocky Bar Gold Mining Company, Oakland, California, 1900, shares, à 1 $
Rocky Mountain Gold Mining Company of Colorado, New York, 1867, shares, à 10 $
Roderick Dhu Gold Mines Company, Denver, Colorado, 1905, shares, à 1 $
Roman Brothers Silver Mining Company, New York, 1865, shares, à 100 $
Roosevelt Gold Mines Company, Colorado, 1933, shares, à 1 $
Rose Nicol Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1900-1906, shares, à 1 $
Rothschild Silver Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1881, shares, 10 $
Round Mountain Mining Company, Goldfield, Nevada, 1915, shares, à 1 $
Round Mountain Mutual Gold Mining Company, Manhattan, Nevada, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Royal Copper and Gold Mining Company, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1912, shares, à 1 $
Royal George Silver Mining Company of Chicago, Chicago, 1873, shares, à 100 $
Royal Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1897, shares, à 1 $
Rudisell Gold Mining Company, Baltimore, Md., 1860, shares, à 5 $
Russell Mining Company, Denver, Colo., 1897, shares, à 1 $
Sacramento Gold Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1905, shares, à 1 $
Sacremento Gold Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1900, shares, à 1 $
Sacremento Gold Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, shares, à 1 $
Saint Anthony Crystal Mica Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1898, shares, à 1 $
Saint Helena Gold Mine, Boston, 1881, shares, à 100 $
Saint Helena Gold Mine, Boston, 1883, 10 % interest Note, à 100 $
Salero Mining and Manufacturing Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 1880, shares, à 100 $
San Domingo Gold Mining Company, San Francisco, Cal., 1898, shares, à 10 $
San Juan Consolidated Mining Company, Del Norte, Colorado, 1875, shares, à 100 $
San Juan Gold Mining Company, 1903, shares
San Luis Mining and Reduction Company, East St. Louis (illinois), shares, à 10 $
San Miguel Gold Mining Company, Pittsburg, Pa., 1909, shares, à 1 $
San Miguel Gold Placers Company, Denver, Colorado, 1890, shares, à 10 $
San Miquel Gold Placers, Denver, shares, à 10 $
San Pedro Gold Mining Company, New York, N.Y., 1907, shares, à 1 $
Sanchez and Soledad Gold and Silver Mining Company, Los Angeles, Cal., 1883, shares, à 10 $
Santa Fe Development Company, 1908, shares
Santa Fé Gold and Copper Mining Company, New Jersey, 1925, shares, à 10 $
Santa Fé Mountain Gold Mines Company, Denver, Colo., 1904, shares, à 1 $
Santa Rita Land and Mining Company, Colorado, 1881, shares, à 25 $
Santa Ysabel Gold Mining Company, Boston, Mass., 1904, shares, à 5 $
Savage Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1914, shares, à 10 $
Saw Tooth Gold Mining and Developing Company, Pueblo, Colorado, 1917, shares, à 1 $
Seaver Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, shares, à 25 $
Security Mining and Milling Company, Rosita (Colo.), 1888, shares, à 10 $
Selleck Gold Mining Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1897, shares, à 100 $
Sentinel Gold Mining Company, Denver, Colo., 1897, shares, à 1 $
Seven Troughs Gold Mines Company, Lovelock, Nevada, 1931, shares, à 1 $
Seyler-Humphrey Gold Mining Company, South Dakota / Nevada, 1906, shares, à 1 $
Sheba Gold and Silver Mining Company, Salt Lake City, Uta, 1902, shares, à 1 $
Sheriff Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1916, shares, à 1 $
Shoshone Gold Mining Company, New York, 1888, shares, à 1 $
Shoshone National Bank Mining Company, Goldfield, Nev., 1906, shares, à 1 $
Sierra Grande Mining Company, Philadelphia, shares, à 25 $
Sierra Leon Gold Mining Company, shares
Silver Glance Consolidated Company, Philadelphia, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Silver King Mining, 1909, shares, à 0,25 $
Silver Ledge Consolidated Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1882, shares
Silver Nugget Mining Company, New York, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Silver Princess Mining, 1911, shares, à 1 $
Silver Tip Mining and Power Company, Washington, 1914, shares, à 1 $
Simpson Gold and Silver Mining Company, Boston, 1881, shares, à 10 $
Six Points Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1896, shares, à 1 $
Slate Hill Gold Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1851, shares, à 12,5 $
Snelling Gold Dredging Company, California, 1935, shares, à 1 $
Soldan Gold Mining Company, San Francisco, Cal., 1904, shares, à 1 $
Sonora Mining Company, Arizona, 1911, 1 preferred shares, à 50 $
South American Gold and Platinum Company, Delaware, 1916, 7 % convertible Note, 1.000 $
South American Gold Company, Arizona, 1909, shares, à 1 $
South Fork Canal Company, Placerville, El Dorado County, 1853, shares, à 100 $
South Hite Gold Mining Company, New York, 1881, shares, à 5 $
South Homestake Mining Company, Denver, Colo., 1906, shares, à 1 $
South Side Milling and Mining Company, Leadville, Colorado, 1882, shares, à 10 $
Southern Colorado Bismuth and Silver Mining, Silverton (Colo.), shares, à 10 $
Sovereign Mining Company, New York / Colorado, 1884, 5 % Gold Bond, 1.000 $
Spanish Gold and Silver Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1865, shares, à 5 $
Spaulding Gold and Silver Mining, Bodie, Mono Company, Cal., 1879, shares, à 100 $
Spearfish Gold Mining and Reduction Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1901, shares, à 1 $
Spearhead Gold Mining Company, reorganized, Nevada, 1925, shares, à 1 $
Specie Basis Mining Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1866, 7,3 % Bond, 100 $
Spring Valley Hydraulic Gold Company, New York, 1884, shares, à 1 $
Springdale Gold Mining and Milling, Denver (Colo.), shares, à 1 $
St. Francis Gold Mining and Tunnel Company, Colorado Springs, shares, à 1 $
St. Peters Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company, Chicago, 1887, shares, à 50 $
Starr-Grove Silver Mining Company, New York, 1882, shares, à 10 $
State Line Gold Mining Company No. 1, New York, 1881, shares, à 25 $
State Line Gold Mining Company No. 2, New York, 1881, shares, à 25 $
State Line Gold Mining Company No. 3, New York, 1881, shares, à 25 $
State Line Gold Mining Company No. 4, New York, 1881, shares, à 25 $
Stevens Gold and Silver Mining Company, Butte City, Montana, 1884, shares, à 10 $
Stormont Mining Company of Utah, Salt Lake City, 1887, shares, à 1 $
Stratton’s Independence Ltd., London, 1900, shares, à 1 £
Stratton’s Independence Ltd., London, 1908-1909, shares, à 2 sh 6 p
Suffield Gold, Silver and Copper Mining Company, Suffield, Conn., 1866, shares, à 25 $
Sun and Moon Mining and Milling Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 1896, shares, à 1 $
Sunflower Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1898, shares, à 1 $
Sunny Belle Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, shares, à 1 $
Surprise Silver Mining Company, Red Oak, Iowa, 1880-1881, shares, à 20 $
T-Bone Gold Mining Company, Cripple Creek (Colorado), shares, à 1 $
Taconic Diamond Drilling and Mining Company, Pueblo, Colo., 1894, shares, à 1 $
Talisman Gold Mining, 1908, shares, à 1 $
Talmage Gold Mines Company, Wyoming, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Tamarack and Chesapeak Mining Company, Spokane, 1907, shares, à 1 $
Taos Mountain Mining Company, New Mexico Territory, 1893, shares, à 1 $
Tarantula Gold Mining Company, St. Louis, Mo., 1899, shares, à 1 $
Taylor Plumas Mill And Mining Company, New York, shares, à 1 $
Tecolote Silver Mining Company, Harrisburg, Pa., 1884, shares, à 10 $
Tecopa Consolidated Mining Company, Philadelphia, 1908, shares, à 1 $
Temomj Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1900, shares, à 1 $
Teutonic Consolidated Gold Mines Company, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1899, shares, à 1 $
Teutonic Consolidated Gold Mines Company, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1900, shares, à 0,001 $
The Pearl Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1864, 5 shares, à 100 $
Thorington Gold Mining Company, New York, 1882, shares, à 1 $
Thorpe Mining Company, San Francisco, 1896, shares, à 2, 50 $
Tigre, or Colorada Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, Calif., 1863, 25 shares, à 250 $
Tintic Mining and Milling Company, Salt Lake City, U.T., 1893, shares, à 1 $
Tip Top Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1863, 5 shares, à 100 $
Tonopah and California Gold Mining Company, Arizona, 1906, shares, à 1 $
Tonopah Gold Mountain Mining, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Transvaal Gold Mining Company, Cripple Creek, Colo., 1901, shares, à 1 $
Tremont Gold Mining and Milling, Portland, shares, à 100 $
Tri-Metallic Mining, Smelting and Refining Company, Arizona, 1910, shares, à 10 $
Tribune Gold Mining and Milling Company, Arizona, 1908, 6 % Gold Bond, 100 $
Trinity Dredging and Hydraulic Gold Mining, San Francisco, shares
Trinity River Hydraulic Gold Mining Company, Denver, 1893, shares, à 1 $
Triunfo Gold and Silver Mining Company, San Francisco, 1863-1865, shares, à 200 $
Tunnel and Silver Mining Company, Salt Lake City, Uta, 1873, shares, à 100 $
Tuolumne County Water Company, Columbia, 1862, shares, à 250 $
Tuolumne Gold Mining Company Ltd., 1870, 10 share, à 2 £
U-Nev-Ida Gold Mining Company, Delaware, 1918, shares, à 1 $
Uinta Tunnel, Mining and Transportation Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1905, shares, à 1 $
Uintah Mining, Salt Lake City, shares, à 10 $
Unadilla Mining Company, New York, 1882, shares, à 1 $
Union Gold and Silver Mining Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1882, shares, à 20 $
Union Gold Mining Company, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1897, shares, à 1 $
Union Leasing and Mining Company, Leadville, 1895, shares, à 1 $
United Goldfields, 1934, shares, à 1 $
United States Gold and Silver Amalgamating Company, Philadelphia, 1877, shares, à 1.000 $
United States Gold Corporation, Boulder, Colorado, 1907, shares, à 1 $
United States Mining Company, Philadelphia, Pennsyl., 1865, shares, à 50 $
United States Reduction and Refining Company, New Jersey, 1901, 6 % First Mortgage Gold Bond, 1.000 $
United States Smelting Company, 1902, 6 % First Mortgage Gold Bond, 1.000 $
United Tonopah and Goldfields Mines, San Francisco, 1905, shares, à 1 $
United Yukon Company, San Francisco, shares, à 5 $
Unity Mining Company, Unity, Maine, 1880, shares, à 5 $
US Gold Corporation, Colorado, 2003, shares, à 0,10 $
Valley Mining Company, Silver Cliff, Colorado, 1903, shares, à 1 $
Vanderbilt Consolidated Mining, Philadelphia, 1882, shares, à 10 $
Venture Corporation, London, 1907, shares, à 1 £
Vermont and Colorado Mining Company, Denver, Colo., 1881, shares, à 10 $
Victor Gold Mining Company, Denver, Colorado, 1895, shares, à 5 $
Village Belle Gold Mining Company, Colorado, 1900, shares, à 1 $
Villaldama Developing Company, Camden, N.J., 1889, shares, à 1 $
Vixen Alluvial Gold Mining Company, Denver, Colo., 1896, shares, à 1 $
Viznaga Gold Mining, New York, 1904, shares, à 1 $
Vulcan Mining Company, St. Louis, Mo. / Colorado, 1890, shares, à 1 $
Vulture Mountain Mining Company, Maine / Arizona, 1895, shares, à 5 $
Wabash Mining and Smelting Company, New York, 1880, shares, à 10 $
Waddingham Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1866, shares, à 25 $
Wales Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining, San Francisco, shares, à 100 $
Walnut Creek Mining and Miling Company, California, 1918, shares, à 1 $
War Dance Mining Company, Wyoming / Idaho, 1912, shares, à 1 $
Waterloo Mining Company, Leadville, Colo., 1885, shares, à 10$
Weepah Gold Mining, Philadelphia, 1902, shares, à 100 $
West Spanish Peak Mining Company, Wisconsin / Colorado, 1890, shares, à 1 $
Westford Pioneer Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1882, shares, à 10 $
White Star Consolidated Mining Company, New York, 1894, shares, à 5 $
Willbray Gold Mining Company, Leadville, Colo., 1896, shares, à 1 $
Willcox Gold Mining and Leasing Company, Goldfield, Nevada, 1910, shares, à 1 $
Woman’s Gold Mining Company, Cripple Creek, shares, à 1 $
Wyandotte Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company, New York, 1882, shares, à 3 $
Wyckoff Gold Mining Company, New York, 1893, shares, à 20 $
Yellow Jacket Silver Mining Company, Gold Hill, Nevada, 1898, shares, à 100 $
Yellowbird Gold Mining Company, Arizona, 1901, shares, à 1 $
Yuba Tunnel Gold Mining Company, North San Juan, Nevada, 1872, shares, à 100 $
Yukon Basin Gold Dredging, Kansas City, 1909, shares, à 1 $
Yukon Milling, Dredging and Power Company, 1914, shares, à 1 $
Zapato Mining and Milling Company, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1898, shares, à 1 $
Gehe zur Übersicht: Sammelgebiete USA